
Well, we’ve been talking about this for a while, now: Work is What You Do, Not Where You Go!

Novell used this line a couple of years ago when marketing Teaming + Conferencing, and we’ve continued to evangelize the wisdom of this tagline, because we believe it to be true. No matter where your work takes you, you should still be able to securely stay in touch with what is going on back at the office, contribute and collaborate with your colleagues. Teaming has since evolved into Novell Vibe, and adoption is growing. Customers who have begun their deployment are thrilled with what it’s going to mean for their organization to have this kind of collaboration solution!

It’s a huge paradigm shift for most organizations, but once that shift is made, the potential to unleash their employees’ talents, skills and knowledge becomes evident (if you haven’t seen Kevin Jones’ video about social media, yet, then I encourage you to check it out here!).

So it’s great to see companies like Forrester confirming that indeed, you do not need to be at the office to get your work done! As more and more workers want – and need! – to have access to corporate knowledge, solutions like Novell Vibe should seriously be considered.

Office Work Is So Last Century, Forrester Reports


GETYOURVIBE! Adaris offers a great way to get started with Novell Vibe: a one week on-site engagement to kickstart your deployment! Our engineer will help you install and configure your servers, train your administrators and users, or simply brainstorm use cases for your organization. Contact us for more info!



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