Novell Filr

FilrDropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, SugarSync – there are scores of file access and sharing services out there, and you know what? Your users are using them! Whether you want them or not, whether you approve or not, and whether you like it or not.

It makes IT cringe – no control over what goes out there, what’s being shared.

What if you could provide a safe, secure way for your users to enjoy all these benefits, while IT decides on the policies that determine what gets shared and what doesn’t?

Filr Screenshots

That’s what Filr is all about!

Users get their own file spaces where they can store what they want and – if policy permits – they can share with whomever they want. Their files are accessible from anywhere, on any device, on any platform.

Additionally, Filr can expose any directory on any of your Windows Server shares or Open Enterprise Server volumes, so you can also provide access to essential files to your mobile users. File system rights are respected, IT decides which directories are exposed to which users, and whether sharing with internal or external users is permitted.

Using applications like DocsToGo on an iPad, users can edit files and save them back to Filr, ensuring that everyone is always working on the same files, rather than emailing these back and forth and losing track of who’s got the latest version!

And if you don’t do file access and sharing right, then it’s “I’ll catch you on LinkedIn!”

For more information, see the Novell Filr Product Page.
