It’s Easy to Get Started (with the right help!)

Sometimes, all we need is just to get started, a push in the right direction. There's nothing more frustrating than going down a path that turns out to be a dead-end. So instead of attempting the journey, we hesitate because we don't want to waste our time and effort. But to paraphrase Lao-Tze, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." (I've always wondered how I could work that beautiful thought into an IT blog - there you go!) IT projects are no exception - there's a lot of … [Read more...]

Loss of Sensitive Data Easily Preventable

USB thumb drives – currently, they are still the easiest and most accessible way to physically store and transport files. Their size makes them easy to misplace and lose; their inexpensive price is such that we don't care if we do. We simply go out and buy another one, or reach into our drawer for one of many that have been given to us over the years. No big deal. However, if the USB thumb drive contains the personal information of over 2 million voters in 25 ridings, losing such a … [Read more...]

Full Disk Encryption for the Enterprise

So, when you leave your house - either for the day to go to work, or when you go on vacation - do you make sure to close and lock all of the doors and windows? The furniture, the TV, the sound system - if someone breaks in and gets away with any of this, it's a hassle, but the insurance company will replace it. But it's the wedding pictures, the travel mementos, the family heirlooms and all that valuable content that just cannot be replaced. The anger that can result from such a loss makes us … [Read more...]

Feeling the Vibe in Australia

I  usually write my blogs from my office, or from the comfort of my home at night. But not this time. I'm writing this from my hotel in Parramatta, a small suburb on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia. Yep - Australia, mate! Our work at Adaris has been great these past two years; my team and I have had the opportunity to travel across Canada and the US to work with customers on ZENworks, OES, GroupWise and Vibe. I personally have had a lot of fun working with Vibe customers all over … [Read more...]

Moving Forward One Step Back at a Time

Last week we had the opportunity to participate in a trade show reuniting the IT directors from about 45 organizations, all from the same vertical market. Of these 45 organizations, about 15 of them are still running Novell solutions, including OES, GroupWise and/or ZENworks. Evidently, over the years, many of them have migrated over to Microsoft-based networks. We had some interesting conversations with a lot of these directors, including those that have moved off Novell products, and … [Read more...]
