IT Money Waster #1

Well, you just GOTTA love this quote from an article on ITWorld Canada:

IT’s biggest money waster No. 1: Dusty software licenses

Collectively, U.S. companies are paying billions for shelfware — whether it’s software that was never adopted or for employees they no longer have, and often at prices that are higher than what is actually needed. A 2010 IDC survey of midsize and large businesses found that well over half of enterprise applications are underutilized, with anywhere from 25 percent to more than 75 percent of licenses paid for but unused, notes IDC analyst Amy Konar.

“Organizations typically use less than 50 percent of an installed ERP system and are paying significant licensing and maintenance fees for modules and functionality that are not providing value to the business,” says Kathryn Douglass, managing partner of IT consultants WillowTree Advisors. “They need to review their named-user licenses and renegotiate agreements to remove unused or duplicate users from licenses. The difference between a 2,000-named-user license and a 1,500-named-user license can easily be $500,000.”


So, if your organization has soooo much money that you don’t know what to do with it, and your boss regularly comes up to you and says “Mr. Network Administrator, you need to find more ways to waste money”, then this doesn’t concern you.


I’m guessing that most of you don’t have that problem (luxury?).

What’s really amazing to me is that when I talk to customers about licensing, and paying too much for licenses they don’t use, most of them ADMIT to me that they’re pretty certain that’s the case in their organization.

So WHY the heck would you want to keep paying for stuff you don’t use??


Which is why there’s ZENworks Asset Management (ZAM). It will not only tell you what’s being used on your endpoints, but will also report HOW it’s being used. If, like in the example above, there are 500 licenses not being used, then you’ll know.

For those customers who already run ZENworks Configuration Management, then it’s simply a question of acquiring the necessary number of licenses and plugging your serial number into the ZENworks Control Console – there is no additional software to install on your workstations! ZAM uses the Adaptive Agent that you’ve already deployed to your managed devices.

For those of you who don’t use ZENworks, then what are you waiting for? The aZension appliance can get your there quickly! How quickly? From box to fully working ZENworks in 10 minutes! And, the appliance includes 1 week of on-site training, so you actually learn how to use it properly.

Contact us for more information!

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  1. [...] what’s the NUMBER 1 money waster in IT? Click here to find out! Filed Under: Collaboration Tagged With: Novell, Teaming, [...]

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