Novell – Attachmate Deal Not a Death Knell

Humans seem to take morbid pleasure in announcing someone's death, even when said person is not yet dead. The most infamous one being, of course, the 1897 report of Mark Twain's death, to which he replied "The report of my death was an exaggeration." A much more recent example happened right here in Canada a couple of weeks ago when a reporter announced that former NHL coach Pat Burns had died. Mr. Burns, however, was still alive and with his family in rural Quebec (he has since passed away, but … [Read more...]

Vibe Demo – Part II

I had started this series of posts to introduce Teaming 3.0; however, on November 9th, Novell announced that they were rebranding the product to Novell Vibe (click here for full story) So to reflect that change, we are now going to continue with the series using the name Vibe to indicate Vibe OnPrem 3. You can view the first installment here. In this installment, we look at creating a workspace and we go into a use case for the blog folder, one of the most useful folder types for making … [Read more...]

Novell Service Desk + iPad

You're walking from one meeting to the next, and your CIO calls you up to ask about the status of an issue that's been reported with the e-mail service. No problem - you pull out your iPad, login to the Service Desk application, and open the relevant incident. "They've found the problem and Mike is on it, Sir! He expects everything to be back up in about 15 minutes", you report. "Excellent!" says the CIO. "Glad you're on top of things!" Now, whether you were "on top of things" or not, … [Read more...]

IT Money Waster #1

Well, you just GOTTA love this quote from an article on ITWorld Canada: IT's biggest money waster No. 1: Dusty software licenses Collectively, U.S. companies are paying billions for shelfware -- whether it's software that was never adopted or for employees they no longer have, and often at prices that are higher than what is actually needed. A 2010 IDC survey of midsize and large businesses found that well over half of enterprise applications are underutilized, with anywhere from 25 percent … [Read more...]

IT Money Waster #2

According to an article on ITWorld Canada, here's the number 2 money waster in IT: IT's biggest money waster No. 2: The paper chase U.S. corporations spend $120 billion per year on paper forms alone, notes a Xerox study. But the costs don't end at paper. Ounce for ounce, the ink inside a typical printer cartridge is 15 times more expensive than Dom Perignon champagne, according to Chronicle Research. Filing that paper, copying it, mailing it, storing it, and finding it again can add up to … [Read more...]